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Friendships with Nechami Tenenbaum & Michelle Mozes

I talk with Nechami Tenenbaum & Michelle Mozes, two of my closest friends,  about friendship. We discuss how our friendships have changed as we’ve gotten older, what we value in our friendships, making new friends as an adult, and our decision process when ending a friendship.

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The Snuggle Dress- Special Solo Episode!

I go solo to Talk about the Snuggle Dress. I share what aspects of my business have been re-thunk over the last two years, the overwhelming emotions of the last few days, and how you can still get your hands on a style that was my fastest ever to sell out.  

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Back to Nature with Ahuva Gottdiener

I talk with Ahuva Gottdiener, better known as Homegrown Kosher, someone who’s always been fascinated by how things were made. She shares the choice to turn certain hobbies into a business and leave other as just hobbies why she thinks it’s important for anyone who can to grow their food, and how the way she cares for her kids has changed as they’ve gotten older.

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My Own Timeline with Rechama Jaffa

I talk with the founder of the first exclusively plus size modest clothing brand. She shares why she’s so passionate about clothes, why she thinks she’ll probably always struggle with body image, and being single in a marriage focused world. We also discuss competition and influencers.

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