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"Authentic" with Ricki Granovits

I talk with Ricki Granovits who is ‘just a regular person’ about how she approaches social media. She shares her desire to connect with people, The difference between living life as an open wound and being truly authentic, and we talk all things influencer.

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Stuffed with Tracy McCubbin

I talk with Tracy Mccubbin, the founder of one of the oldest decluttering companies in the US, about changing the relationship with our stuff. She shares the difference between organizing and decluttering, why she’s not a minimalist, and why we tend to hold onto things.

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Invest in Yourself with Dr. Elissa Hellman

I talk with Dr. Elissa Hellman, OB-GYN, about the assumptions that doctors make about orthodox patients. She shares tips for getting over the stress and nervousness of going to the gynecologist, the safe place that is her office  and the things we should all know about how our bodies work.

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