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Humility & Intention with Shaindy Plotzker

I sit down with an Orthodox Jewish singer  Shaindy Plotzker to discuss her journey. She shares how humility factors into her life as a public figure, what dishwasher soap has to do with songwriting, the real life conversation that inspired  her newest song “Fire”, and we get the exclusive debrief on her big concert in NJPAC.

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A True No with My Mom

On this special Mother’s Day episode I sit down to chat with my Mom! She talks about our first expos and pop ups that totally flopped , what it’s like to have a business inside my parents house and how we make it work, her top neuroses, and what it was like seeing me open in the ADdress.

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Kosher Issues with Franciska Kosman

I sit down with Franciska Kosman, a podcast host and recording artist, to discuss her journey. She share what her childhood in Moscow was like, why she’s allergic to censorship of any kind, why’s it’s quite hard for her to be popular, and the difference between culture and Halacha.

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Refining You with Mussie Epstein

I sit down with personal stylist Mussie Epstein to discuss her journey. She shares how self criticism initially kept her away from fashion, the power of having a uniform, why perfect body image is probably not an achievable goal and we discuss what I am most self conscious about.

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